Where The Wild Things Are by Afriart Gallery

Book cover type: Paperback
Sale priceUsh 40,000


Where the Wild Things Are
1st Edition, June 2023

Featured Artists: Charlene Komuntale, Emmie Nume, Mona Taha, Odur Ronald, Richard Atugonza, Switzin Twikirize

This book presents a continuation of the group exhibition Where the Wild Things are which showed at Afriart Gallery from June to August 2022, as well as a contribution to documenting and archiving artistic expressions by a new generation of visual artists in Uganda. It features in-depth interviews with the artists, background information on the project and a selection of artworks of each featured artist. 

Being a young artist living and working in an African country remains a challenging endeavor. One thing all artists featured in this book have in common is the leap of faith they took to pursue their passion and journey as artists amidst many odds. Often young artists are misunderstood and under-appreciated by their communities, family and friends, receive little or no support on a national level and face a scarcity of learning, funding, exhibition and residency opportunities, as well as access to art galleries. Internationally, they get a seat at some tables. At some, they get offered a seat, but are expected to bow their heads and pretend it is a privilege, not their right to be seated. Other tables still have a ‘reserved’ sign, even though you might spot an empty seat.

A common focus in the six artists’ work is a figurative approach - self-portraiture or the representation of people in the artists’ communities, which hints at where inspiration and subject matter is grounded. This new generation of young artists working in Uganda, proudly makes a point to tell their stories to the world - seen through their own eyes and materialized through their own hands.

The exhibition it originated from, and this book are a homage to those who persevere to create their own rules, who invent and re-invent themselves against the backdrop of their own terms, and who proudly carve out unspoken futures. The exhibition celebrates the passion and confidence these artists present, fueled by the fire ignited by finding their voice as artists.

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