Roses In Thorns by Paul Kasobya

Book cover type: Paperback
Sale priceUsh 20,000


Roses in Thorns is a collection of poems by Paul Kasobya. Over 50 titles on life's upsides and downtime come packaged in 5 chapters ranging from tributes, love when it is honey and when it is chilli, moments, the untold wrath of life and Ubuntu. Beneath these chapters are spectacular stanzas that leave the reader's skin covered in goose bumps, the author has designed each verse with the usual feelings relatable to the days of every living soul. Roses in Thorns celebrates the unsung heroes who by only their living left a spark of inspiration in the cosmos, the chapter on love knows every story of one who has dared to pick the rose "love" from the thorns "its challenges"; you will surely find a poem that suits your current stance on love and relationships. The last chapter; Ubuntu, is  a written x-ray of who we are intended to be as roses in this thorny garden; the world, these are verses that concretise the need for each of us to live a virtuous life.
At the beginning of every chapter the author prepares us with a note, dedicating the poems to our deepest senses that our feelings may be punctuated by his art.

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