Unbreakable Bonds: a writivism anthology of fiction, photography and non-fiction from Eastern Africa and the UK

Book cover type: Paperback
Sale priceUsh 30,000


The book features 8 fictions stories, 4 photographers and 6 nonfiction stories from Eastern Africa and the UK.

The theme for 2019s Writivism activities was “UnBreakable Bonds”. To not only defining the unbreakable bonds of our shared and varied Blacknesses across continents but also, the unbreakable bonds between fiction and nonfiction; the unbreakable bonds across generations of African thinkers; the unbreakable bonds between art forms: literature, photography; the unbreakable bonds between the rural and the urban, the unbreakable bonds in the presentation of art: books, exhibitions, podcasts; and what holds it all together: the will, the urge, the yearning to create and imagine worlds, possibilities or really to present it as it is. 

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